Final Fantasy Commander Cards Are Coming To Magic: The Gathering Arena

This summer, the characters of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy video games are being reimagined through the lens of Magic: The Gathering for a new set of trading cards. And at least some of those collectible cards won’t be limited to the real world, as the Final Fantasy Commander cards head to the Magic: The Gathering Arena video game.

During a livestream revealing the new cards, it was announced that the four face commanders and the four backup commanders from the Final Fantasy decks will be in Magic: The Gathering Arena. So far, the currently revealed commanders are Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, Tidus from Final Fantasy X, Y’shtola from Final Fantasy XIV, and Terra from Final Fantasy VI.

The four face Commanders and four backup commanders from the Commander decks will be available on MTG Arena! They typically don’t add Commander cards to Arena, but this was a special occasion. So, while not every FF commander card will be digital, at least 8 of them will be

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— John Carson đŸ”œ MagicCon: Chicago ( February 18, 2025 at 10:47 AM

There’s no guarantee that all of the Final Fantasy cards will be heading to Arena, but it leaves the door open for more. While only four of the Final Fantasy titles are represented in the current batch of commanders, Wizards of the Coast’s official site notes from “every mainline Final Fantasy game” will appear as “depicted through the lens of Magic: The Gathering.”

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